Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Get a "Hang" of Organization

I've found a reoccurring theme I use in almost every single room and closet in my house that helps me stay organized...

Hooks!  And tons of them!  I love how versatile they all are in design and in function.  Let's take a look at how I use them all over my house!

Each child has a set of hooks in their bedroom for them to hang - whatever!  My boys use their set of hooks to hang backpacks, jackets, hats, pj's they will wear again and the like!

My daughter has a similar set of hooks in her closet for all her coats, jackets and backpack too but then she also has these decorative hooks along her wall.  They are so cute holding all her dance leotards and tutu's!  I love how it's functional and decorative at the same time!

My husband and I also have a few hooks inside our closet.  We use ours to mostly hang accessories or clothing that we regularly use.

We swapped out each bathroom towel rack for hooks!  I can now hang 5 towels where before only 2 fit if they were folded into thirds - ugh!  Even my toddlers can now hang their own towel instead of throwing them all over the floor.

Our house lacks an entryway closet (sigh) so we installed this decorative coat rack by our front door.  Now when we have guests, they can hang their bags and outerwear.

Our small coat closet has hooks along the side wall, the height of my kiddos, so they can hang up their own jackets.

Now, this has to be my favorite use of hooks in my house!  We have a LARGE collection of costumes.  They used to be piled in 2 very large rubber tubs which I hated.  Whenever a kid wanted a costume, they would dig and throw and repeat until costumes were everywhere!  I decided to use the space under our stairs to hang costumes along both walls under the stairs.  I used Command Hooks so I wasn't screwing a million holes into the walls.  I no longer have piles of costumes, the kids can easily find the one they want and hang it right back up when they are finished (in a perfect world...right?).  Hanging costumes underneath the stairs has also created a little private place to change into a costume which is a total bonus!  And those huge tubs are no longer taking up space in the adjoining playroom!
(horrible picture - hardly any light which is what we are working on)

Speaking of Command Hooks, I hung these bag holders from IKEA underneath my kitchen sink cabinet using them.  I store more than just grocery bags here and I LOVE them!!

My dirty kitchen rags go in one so I can easily grab them on laundry day!

There you have it - one of my favorite home organizational tools - hooks!  If you are trying to organize your home, I'd suggest adding a few hooks throughout your home.

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