Thursday, May 14, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week - Teachers Help Us Bloom & Grow

We had an AWESOME Teacher Appreciation Week at our school this year!  Thank you to my board who never fails to support!

We kicked off the week by getting our bulletin board up that reflected our theme for the week:
You can download the files HERE if you like.  It will remain up until the end of the school year.

All the students were sent home the previous week with a flyer for a fun spirit week:

Teacher Appreciation Week!
Our Teachers Help Us Bloom and Grow

MONDAY: Step lightly down the garden path - wear crazy shoes and socks!
TUESDAY: Watering our garden to help it grow - wear your beach clothes or rain gear!
WEDNESDAY: The sun shines bright on our garden - wear your sunglasses!
THURSDAY: There is a rainbow over our garden - each grade wear a different color (K-Red, 1st-Orange, 2nd-Yellow, 3rd-Green, 4th-Blue, 5th-Purple)!
FRIDAY: Our garden is growing - wear something with flowers or leaves on it!

Then we made sure every teacher had a flower near the entryway of their classroom Monday morning...

They were all sorts of different colors...

It was as if the school was one big garden!  To top it off, that day we delivered a fresh bouquet of flowers to each teacher: 
A member of our PTA has a connection to a flower shop!

Tuesday we presented the school with a gift on the news that morning - saddle staplers (a request from the teachers) in each work station throughout the school.

Wednesday, we provided breakfast in the faculty room:

And then delivered these pencil buckets with a great coupon to a local restaurant:

Thursday we delivered the printout that we had the kids all fill out the previous weeks during their library times:
Download this document HERE (for the older kids, we omitted the "from your little seed" bit as that probably wouldn't have gone off very well!)

Then Friday was a luncheon held in the faculty room - we served a salad bar with desserts provided by members of the PTA.

It was a fun week!  The teachers were very appreciative of our efforts - but thanking them will never be enough for all they do for our kids!!

See all of my PTA related posts HERE.


  1. Would you be able to email me the two signs you put on the bulletin board? Are they saved on your computer? I love them and would love to use them for our school for the upcoming Teaher Appreciation a Week!

    1. Hi Meridith! I updated the post so the files are available to download at the link right below the photo. Hopefully that helps.

