Sunday, June 28, 2015

Gift Tags

I LOVE gift giving!  With that said, it can get a little $$$, especially when I come from a big family...I have 9 siblings and close to 100 1st cousins!  I attend LOTS and LOTS of celebrations - weddings, birthdays, baby and bridal showers, you name it!  My kids also go to LOTS and LOTS of birthday parties.  We take LOTS and LOTS of gifts to these events so I try to be as frugal as I can (without being a total cheapo!) with my gift giving.  I don't want gift giving to be a drain on our family financially so I've found a few ways to save money of gifts.

One of the ways I've been able to save a little money on my gift is actually not on the gift at all but it's packaging.  I make a simple homemade gift tag instead of purchasing a card - those things can add up!  And too bad because they usually just end up in the trash.  The only essential purpose of the gift card is to tell the recipent who the gift is from anyway so this is a simple way to accomplish this task...
Then all we do is handwrite in who the gift is to/from - my kiddos LOVE this part!

My favorite use for these is on a gift bag (and usually a re-used one at that!).  I just hole punch the top and cut a small slit to it.  Slide it on the gift bag handle and put a tiny bit of Scotch tape on the slit to make sure it doesn't come off.

Or they can be easily taped to the top of any gift (this one was so big I opted not to wrap it - I just attached a bow)...

This one is for weddings or baby showers:  
For weddings, I print these on white cardstock - something about wedding screams white :).  For baby showers, I usually have a page printed on yellow - a nice neutral for boy or girl!  But a light pink or light blue is always fun too!

This is for the girl birthday:
It's fun to print on a bright pink or purple cardstock!

Then here's one for the birthday boy:
Green, red and blue cardstock are fun for these!

You can download all 3 of these tags HERE.   Usually when I'm trying to assemble the gift, I'm running late (please tell me I'm not the only one!) so to help me with time, I always try to have a whole bunch of these cut out, hole punched and ready to grab and go!

Stay tuned for more ideas on how I like to save on gift giving!!

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